Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Standardized Tests

SAT'S, CAT'S, Terranova etc. - As far back as I can remember, I have always disliked standardized tests. Particularly in grammar school, I recall being prepped sometimes months in advance and having great emphasis put on our results to them. We were lectured on how important these tests were and how serious they should be taken. As a result of such pressure being put on students, many of us performed poorly, I believe because we were stressed when the day of the test ultimately came. Because of the experiences I have had with standardized tests, I still do not enjoy them to this day. Another reason I dislike them is that there is not much you can do to prepare for them. Sometimes these tests are just based on general knowledge. So, all you can do is make sure to get a full night of sleep the day before, have a good breakfast the day of, have your materials ready, be on time for the test and try your best. This may seem like a pretty simple routine, but for many children, it is accompanied by nervousness and upset stomachs. Just hearing the word "test" puts children on the edge of their seats. As a result of the experiences I have had with standardized tests, I would like to make the "preparation" for them as stress-free as possible for the students I will teach someday. I believe it is sometimes better to have students very relaxed and calm for tests such as these, so they are able to think clearly and try their best, without feeling as if they MUST do well, because it is expected of them. I feel students should know that these tests are important, because they are, but not be pressured in the process. Students, especially children, are under enough stress with their school work that these tests, I feel, shouldn't be added onto to them. I believe there should be a balance between explaining the importance of standardized tests and what they mean, with reassuring students as long as they try their best, they will have nothing to worry about. I know, as a future teacher, I will do my best to relieve students of the tension that comes with taking these tests because I know how it feels to have been in their place. I understand they are a necessity to schools and will most likely continue to be present in classrooms for years to come. But, I feel the preparations for them should be altered a bit, to reassure students that they are capable of doing well and can accomplish this, with a bit of confidence. They should also be taught that standardized tests are just another part of school and nothing to be afraid of. I believe if students begin to see standardized tests in a positive light, this view will be displayed in their test scores as well.

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