Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is assessment?

In my opinion, I have always believed assessment simply meant "evaluating students' work." I now know, through my years of education, that there are many different types of assessment that can be used in the classroom. Students can be graded in a number of different ways that do not necessarily have to be strenuous or even known to the student. For example, instead of taking a test that can cause anxiety and stress to students, a project can be given out wherein the class is able to work on an assignment in the comfort of their own home and then submit the finished product when it is due. Teachers can even assess students' work "secretly" through classroom discussions, essays, or journal writing, in which students will not be pressured into being timed to hand something in. Instead they are given assignments, such as those, where they can gather their thoughts and express themselves in detail at their own leisure. Although these forms of assessment relieve pressure off of students, I believe tests should remain present in classrooms because they are a part of life. At some form in everyone's life, they will have to take a test or examination whether it be in school, the workplace, etc. Tests also instill qualities of discipline, in students especially, where they must complete a set of questions, learning how to recall information in a timely and ordered fashion. Since students excel in different aspects of classroom instruction and assessment, these varied forms provide them with a number of options to display their works. I believe no matter which you use in your classroom, you must always do your best to deliver the proper information to students so they benefit from the results. Teaching is a very important job. Therefore, students should be given the proper guidance and assessment they deserve so they can become well-rounded adults when they enter the working world.

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